The evolving rights of children as compiled by the learning community at Rosalie School

Children have the right to

        relationship and interactions with peers and adults outside the family.

        be citizens of the world and have experiences with many types of people.

        be attached to society - to influence it and to be influenced by it.

        participate in the civic forum as citizens of today.

        fight their own battles.

        enjoy learning.

        be held to high expectations.

        be respected.

        learn in a safe environment.

        be positively guided through life.

        have time and resources to pursue their own wonderful ideas.


The evolving rights of teachers as compiled by the learning community at Rosalie School

        contribue to the communal knowledge of education.

        create curriculum in a collaborative environment.

        be emotionally and irrevocably entwined in the learning process.

        experiment, to take risks, to not know, to be wrong.

        be intellectually stimulated by the work.


The evolving rights of parents as compiled by the learning community at Roslie School
 actively and voluntarily participate in their child's school experience.
 be a highly valued foundational rock in the institution of the school.
 be part of a network of communication of reciprocal knowledge with the school.
 participate in the research process.
 know that the teacher(s) see their child clearly as a strong and capable person.